Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The action does not always make the heart.
However the heart will always make the action.
God judges the heart.
Only a good tree can produce real fruit.
Yet, I have seen in me, how I can produce fake fruit.
I say I love someone, but how is this shown? I serve and say this means I love.
Yet, I think my heart is not always there. Its these empty deeds.

Lord, I want to change my heart. Let me not force myself to serve, but look to you and change my heart so that serving flows out in endless acts of love.

Debit or Credit?

Let me first apologise.
If your looking for something encouraging, you may want to find another blog to read.
However, I feel that this is something that has been on my heart and that God is really tyring to teach me. Therefore I will share. I know I will not say this well, for I am not so great with words, but I do hope it will be of somewhat benefit to you.
Lately God has been showing me more and more of Him. This is so wonderful, but with it, I see more and more of how utterly disgusting I am. One of the most reveling things I have seen in me is my relationship with other people. My lack of dependence on my great Lord shows so much in this area. I continue to so selfcenteredly act like I am selling my self to other people. I want them to only see me in a certain way or not to think badly of me. When will I stop wanting to be heard, wanting to be understood and wanting to be cared for? As if I was worth anything, and as if what my Lord has done wasn't enough.... The more I see of how much He cares and loves me, the more I see how I act as if this is not enough... Which only shows how much more He loves me.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Understanding That You Never Really Understand

After Sunday nights youth, I am deeply in "awh" and overwhelmed with how little I can comprehend. Don't get me wrong, I understood the sermon. But upon my drive home I reflected on it more and more, repeating the truths I heard as simply as I could. I'm always a slave. I once was a slave with a master who cared nothing about me. I was on a road to destruction. I was purchased. Purchased for the highest price. I am no longer slave to my old master;I am dead to him and he to me. I have a new Master. A great Master. Who knows what is best for me. A Master who knows more about me then I do myself. I Taylor, who has a new and great Master, is completely foolish. I allow this other "master" to use me for his evil working. I do it all the time:when I'm tired and think i deserve a break, when I become frustrated with my brother, when I think I'm being treated unfairly, and when I want to be the center of attention. But this is the part where I come to a great moment of "ahw" so great I am unable to fully understand it. God has paid the greatest price to make me His own again. He crushed His ONLY son for me. The one who cares so deeply for me has made me His slave. And just like that I am working for that which is against Him. Yet, instead of leaving me, instead of telling me, "Why would I continue to be your Master if you will not work for me alone?". He tells me that I am His forever. That the power of Christ's sacrifice is eternal. Nothing can ever separate me from His love and Lordship. With gentleness,He breaks me. With love, He corrects me. Always.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Pilgrims Progress

What a creatively encouraging book...
This great imaginative story that, with such elaborate words, paints a beautiful yet simple picture that relates to each or our lives before the Lord.
With its perfect perspective, inspired by who better than God Himself, I found this book to be of great conviction and encouragement.
For this reason, I see to it as my obligation to propose to those who have not looked upon this remarkable work to do so.